SDIKA - Showcase Secure Digital Identitites Karlsruhe

Current information on our Twitter channel:

Secure digital identities are an important driver for digital transformation, as they can establish trust between interconnected systems, people and organisations in diverse use cases from government and the private sector. None of the solutions available today can meet all possible use cases on its own, as the requirements differ greatly in some cases due to varying degrees of regulation and business interests. However, the acceptance of a solution by people and organisations depends on the breadth of the supported applications in addition to the ease of use.

In the project “SDIKA - Secure Digital Identities Karlsruhe”, the goal is to realise wide-ranging, cross-use-case identities in open ecosystems. Technical, semantic and economic interoperability should promote the use of solutions that guarantee high functionality, security and sovereignty. The SDIKA project follows a triad of the development of the location-independent “SDI-X system”, demonstration and evaluation in the Karlsruhe showcase and the establishment of a supra-regional ecosystem.

The SDI-X system is intended to enable each acceptance point to connect all identity solutions existing in the ecosystem via a local “SDI-X adapter”. People and organisations should be able to choose between identity solutions of different types (in a cloud or locally on a smartphone). Application-specific and sovereign electronic identities (for example, the electronic identity card) are to be supported. The benefits are to be demonstrated to citizens and organisations in the Karlsruhe showcase using relevant use cases from the areas of health, mobility, digital planning and construction, digital urban society and e-government (e.g. Karlsruhe passport). SDIKA creates a municipal ecosystem of acceptance points and trust services with close links to the city’s digitalisation strategy and makes digital identities tangible for Karlsruhe residents on a daily basis. The results will be made available nationwide after the end of the project.

SDIKA is one of four projects nationwide funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) as part of the competition “Showcase Secure Digital Identities”. The City of Karlsruhe, represented by the Office for Information Technology and Digitalisation, is coordinating the project. Other participating departments are the Ordnance and Citizens' Office and the Karlsruhe City Youth Committee. A total of 14 partners from all over Germany are working together on the project, including several participants from Karlsruhe such as the FZI Research Centre for Information Technology. SDIKA started on 1 September 2021 and will run for three years.



(2024). MEUSec – Method for Enhancing User Experience and Information Security. In MoMM 2024. IN PRINT.

(2024). User Experience and Information Security Heuristics for Digital Identity Wallets. In CHIRA 2024. IN PRINT.

(2024). User-friendly Integration of Identity Wallets and Mobility Platforms: A User Experience Study Conducted in the SDIKA Project. ResearchGate.


(2023). Comparison of methods for analyzing the correlation of user experience and information security. In ICSED 2023.


Interim results

You can already find many project results in the section publications. Up to our 2nd milestone, more results have emerged:

Many thanks for the sponsorship:

Funded by the BMWK on the basis of a decision of the German Bundestag


Wolfgang Toppazzini

Contact person
SDIKA consortium leader: City of Karlsruhe
City of Karlsruhe
Office for Information Technology and Digitalisation
Digitalisation Department
Project Management Office
Kriegsstraße 100
76133 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 721 133-1767

Dr. Jan Sürmeli

Scientific contact person
FZI Research Centre for Information Technology
Research area of Software Engineering
Berlin branch
Friedrichstraße 60
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 7017337-339